The OI Original
Join the movement for Ocean Integrity with our unique Ocean Plastic Bracelets. Each bracelet is crafted from 22 recycled plastic beads, meticulously created from old fishing nets and marine debris.
Every bead symbolizes 1 kilogram of plastic rescued from our precious marine environments. By wearing this bracelet, you are directly responsible for removing 22 kilograms of plastic from the ocean and waterways.
Each Bracelet comes in a unique, recycled pouch perfect for your credit cards, cash and keys! It also includes a QR code which allows you to track the plastic which Ocean Integrity has removed from the Rivers and Oceans.
Our innovative approach utilizes a cutting-edge application to track and collect data, securely stored on blockchain technology. When you purchase a bracelet, you will receive a QR code containing detailed collection information, including the name of the individual who gathered the plastic and the exact GPS location of the collection site.
For just $29.95 with FREE SHIPING, you can make a global impact by helping to remove 22 kilos of plastic waste. Your support not only safeguards marine life but also empowers indigenous fishermen by providing them with a sustainable income. These fishermen are no longer solely focused on fishing, as they now earn a fair wage for collecting plastic, lifting them out of poverty and into the middle class.
Remember - We Only Have One Ocean